In a democratic country like India the law system is like a backbone of it. But the situation of our law system is yet to be improved. According to the reports there are 4 crore pending cases all over the India and the judges for cases are only 17008. Which are very low.
Recently in parliament the debate on the judges pension bill was done. In which the main concern was about the appointment of the judges in our country.
All opposition MP`S raised their concerns about the Appointment of the judges.
Speaking on the issue newly elected Rajya sabha MP John britthas of cpi(m) said:
`The independence of the judiciary is the issue, we have no role in appointing of judges, `the judges appoint the judges here`, which is unheard, their appointment is done in darkness. The people doesn`t know how the judges are appointed and law minister is `mute spectator` of it.`
`Out of 47 chief justice`s of India till date 14 have been Brahmins, from 1950 to 70 the max strength of the supreme court was 14 judges and 11 of them was Brahmins, DR BR AMBEDKAR would be turning in his grave, seeing how judicial appointments are being made and how the independence of judiciary is tampered with there is no diversity in the judiciary ` i am not against the Brahimins and nor any class i am just completing it, this august house will be shocked to hear this that no judges from OBC was appointed till 1980 in supreme court`. he said.
In India the judges address the press,
An sexual Harassment case against a CJI,
A judge writing the book JUSTICE FOR JUDGE.
This incidents are strange, unheard in any countries.
The condition of our judiciary can be seen when the books first written was `juding the judge` and now `justice for judge,`
The CJI wants justice for what?
The judgment on Ayodhya case shows the `helplessness` of the system
the CJI after his retirement says that the judiciary system in India is in ranmshackles. what has he done in his tenure?
Questions must be raised!
jai hind.